Saturday, August 27, 2011

University Ball

Natalie and Ruanna
We had the privilege to do Tarot readings for over 600 students from the Monash Unversity for their Annual University Ball.

It was held at the Flemington Racecourse in the gorgeous Atrium room.

It was all was loud, they were dancing, they were cueing up for everything, they were dressed for the 9s, everyone was having fun!

The tables were dresssed with an Arabian nights feel to them with huge white feathers as the centre pieces.

Along with us doing Tarots there were Henna Artists, Magicians, Belly Dancers, Comedians, Band, DJ, Photo booth, Palm readers...the lot!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Self Storage Annual Welcome Night

What a hoot!

Doing Tarot readings at the Melbourne Aquarium for the Self Storage Annual Welcome Conference.

What gorgeous surrounds to entertain your guests and staff.

Along with dinner and drinks, speical guests and staff were also offered Caricature drawings and Tarot Readings.

The Full Moon was on Sunday and here I find myself surrounded by water doing Tarot Readings at the Melbourne Aquarium.
Thank you to Susie for the opportunity and you can see by the photos how gorgeous the venue is...I can highly recommend using the Melbourne Aquarium facilities for very special evenings! 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Westin Melbourne

Ruanna and Emma
It was a great honour and privilege to be invited back once again to do Tarot readings for the Staff at the Westin Melbourne for their Wellbeing Week.

The staff are gorgeous and they are from all around the world, a real multi-cultural environment.

It was wonderful to see the same staff again a year later on and catch up with what they have been up to.

I felt the readings were on a much deeper level, maybe because they opened up a bit more, maybe they felt more comfortable having a Tarot reading the second time, or maybe because they trusted me more too!