Saturday, May 26, 2012

Master Khor Palm Workshop

I don't usually offer my Tarot shop for others to run their workshops in its just not set up for it, but when I met the lovable character Master Tong Nee Khor I relented.

Two separate workshops were held both 2 hours each where Master Khor proceeded to relinquish some of his secrets in reading Palms.

The International Feng Shui Assoc brought Master Khor out to Australia and there were a combination of both Tarot and Feng Shui students that participated in these workshops.

It was an honour to have Mater Khor doing his workshops at Tarot in Action.

Top photo
Back row L-R: Connie, Su, Edgar, Coral.
Bottom row L-R: PI, Ruanna, Master Khor and Kellie.

Bottom photo:
You can see Master Khor in full swing.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sydney MBS Festival

Lauren, Anne, Vicki, Cinzia, Shaki & Ruanna
Once again the Mind Body Spirit Festival proved to be another huge success this year in Sydney.

Every time I'm there I make distinctions with how hugely popular the Mind Body Spirit Festival actually is, the queues are long!! No matter if in Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane, people are searching, seeking answers and new ways to transform themselves for the better. This year the MBS will be going to Adelaide late September!

It was wonderful to hear Merv Harvey being acknowledged this year for all his efforts, time and love that he puts into creating the space for all us readers. He looks after each and everyone of us, from setting up photos, online bookings and for providing and collating a feedback system.

The huge MBS banner Main Stage

Another distinction I made was that the huge reading room that Merv organises is imperative for attracting the majority of people to the MBS Festival. This is a another huge responsibility for us readers to provide excellent service to our customers.

I have made wonderful friends from all around Australia from my participation in the MBS Festivals and I have also met wonderful people that have become regular clients and or students of the Tarot in Action programs.

Heaps of Specialness...